Present-Day America Is Not Your Father’s Democracy
In its brief history, American democracy has endured its share of difficult moments. It’s most recent serious challenge to Constitutional Rights on a large scale was during the 1950s witch hunting orchestrated by Eugene McCarthy.
During this brief but painful era, Americans who were deemed “un-American” were severely punished if they didn’t support pro-government policies and ideologies regardless of their right to protest and express a different opinion than that of the government and big business.
This punishment was based often on nothing more than suspicion, hearsay and innuendo, and unhesitatingly applied to sympathizers simply by “guilt by association”; in sum ostracization from American society.
To protect themselves and keep their jobs many Americans were coerced by their employers into signing a “loyalty oath”.
We’ve entered another dark cycle in which similar policies are casting a far wider net over the American citizenry, thanks to high-tech, that compromises their Constitutional right of free speech.
Millions of sometimes unwitting minions, from America’s youth to mega-corporations, have been unofficially and politically deputized to cancel, fire, ostracize even jail those who exercise their Constitutional First Amendment rights even for the most frivolous comments.
A Foreign Perspective
Perhaps some Americans may think that all this political drama during the past administrations has been nothing more than “making a mountain out of a mole hill” with alarmist rantings by mainstream media, citizen journalists and social media in general.
However, according to the following polls, many foreigners globally have a far different perspective of American democracy and that its erosion is real and a threat to personal freedoms worldwide.
The following chart entitled US No Longer Seen as a Shining Example of Democracy provided by the Pew Research Center articulates those sentiments.
[The caveat to this poll is that only about 1,000 citizens from each country were asked this question. However, alternate sources, often through informal comments, across the social media platform roughly supports these sentiments].

The Asian-Specific Perspective
The following chart entitled US Image Deteriorates in Parts of Asia, also provided by the Pew Research Center polling about 1,000 citizens from each country, gives the Asian-specific response to the state of US democracy.

Despite the paucity of citizens queried in each country, the responses have been consistent from all of them lending greater credence that this deterioration of democracy is not an illusion.
Totalitarian Creep
This becomes concerning when multiple fuzzy, ill-defined red lines are crossed namely breaching Constitutional rights and other piecemeal legal incursions such as different interpretations of established laws.
This trend has been made possible through quiet, progressive undermining stealth of 21st century technology under the guise of so-called personal security for the citizenry and convenience for the consumer.
Deep State Centurions
Increasing private/public collaboration combines two powerful forces to impose behavior modification on the citizenry.
Mega-corporations control the essential products & services. For this reason, their agenda with government, basically power & control, are closely aligned thus facilitating close cooperation.
The government control legal and tax policies that support mega-corporations. They accomplish this as follows:
· The government shields private entities from questionable business practices by reinterpreting present-day laws.
· The government provides generous long-term tax incentives to private entities that support government interests in remaking society.
· The government raises taxes and aggressively enforces their collection from the citizenry.
· To ensure that government doesn’t stray from their mutually agreed upon objectives, mega-corporations utilize their “shock troops” namely lobbyists who are the dark influencers.
The New Dominant Corporate Invasive Species
Government has enabled several industries, notably Big Tech, Big Pharma, mainstream media, the de facto state media, serve an outsized influence not only in their respective industries, but on the American socio-political way of life.
The aforementioned mega-corporations operate broad & deep, intertwined and inter-dependent through policy & practice cross-fertilization. They limit competition by creating high barriers to entry through stifling regulations and taxation.
The New Dominant Human Invasive Species
The invasion of millions of illegal immigrants are the new GMO human seedlings who come from brutal totalitarian regimes. Their self-interests are neatly aligned with mega-corporations since their environment was created through brutal, non-democratic power & control. For this reason, the US is paradise.
The illegal migrants represent the new future base of multi-generational obedient drones, by default and/or design, unofficially deputized through permissive enforcement policies, to keep the American-born and legally naturalized “in line” with public/private policies by outvoting them in key areas of the country.
These illegal migrants represent the all-important counterweight to blunt any organized resistance to increasing public/private control of policies over resources. This influence will harden should they be granted naturalization enabling them to work in varying sectors and displace the American-born, white & blue collar workers.
The growing and near-future powerbase is in the hands of the illegal migrant children who, in 20 years, will be the loyal guardians of their public/private masters.
Conclusions & Takeaways
Regardless of which candidate wins the upcoming presidential election, the anti-Constitutional elements, mega-corporations and newly arrived illegal human capital, are already pre-positioned and embedded in the American business and social fabric to carry out any and all their desired policies to offset the democratic voting process.
For this reason, America is already in an era of an illiberal democracy-lite, the controlling elements being distraction and misdirection encouraging the American public to indulge in unabated consumerism and non-sensical entertainment but restrictive free speech.
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The Cerulean Council is a NYC-based think-tank that provides prescient, beyond-the-horizon, contrarian perspectives and risk assessments on geopolitical dynamics and global urban security.